net2phone Huddle provides a seamless video conferencing solution for you, your team, and your customers.
정보 업데이트:2022년 6월 8일
호환 기기:
Introducing: net2phone Huddle. A modern approach to video conferencing. We know there are a lot of options out there when it comes to digital face-to-face, but we asked ourselves: what are the most important aspects of a video call?
For us, it boiled down to 3 things:
 - Video and audio quality
 - Powerful features that enhance productivity
 - Stability and security
With net2phone Huddle, we are bringing you all three and more in one simple, seamless, and easy to use package.
If you’re a current net2phone customer, we invite you to try net2phone Huddle today. Simply login with your credentials and Huddle up with anyone you send a link to. Happy Huddling!
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