Easily manage data from Neto eCommerce in Google Sheets! Pull in data relating to products, orders, customers and content. Filter your data and set up custom dashboards for better decision making.
Adatlap frissítve:2023. november 15.
A következőkkel működik:
Connected with YOUR store

The addon is connected to YOUR store via API, which means we can report on any data with a click of a button. Report on products, orders, content and more.  If a metric or dimension is available through an API, we’ll do our best to get it for you. We also take care of maintaining the connectors so you don’t have to.

As a certified Gold Neto partner, we understand all aspects of Neto coding logic which means our integration is efficient, specific and optimised.

Easily pull in your data with the Neto Connector sidebar

It’s time to use your imagination. We have built this tool with two key goals in mind. Firstly, it must be able to pull any and all data from Neto with a click of a button. Secondly you need to be able to filter that data in the way you want. Tick and tick! 

Now you can report on any data in the way you want in a familiar environment. Who doesn’t know and love spreadsheets?! 

Make better decisions

This addon is built with sales and marketing teams in mind. Here is some of what you can find out with a click of a button:

- Top 10 performing products [coming soon]
- Worst 10 performing products [coming soon]
- Products missing SEO titles
- Products missing SEO descriptions

We call this recipes and we’re adding new ones each month. Why not request yours or vote for existing recipes below!

Empower your team

This addon is a game changer, here is why:

Sales teams can easily report on orders and customers to make better decisions along with enhanced ability to speed up product management. Filter and slice your data in any way you like. 

Marketing teams can quickly zero in on top performing products to drive their content and promotion strategies. What’s more, you can equip your SEO partners to drill in on products or content work. 

Operations teams can be empowered by being able to report on orders, statuses and stock in real time, allowing them to make better decisions and increase productivity.
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A(z) Neto Connector az alább látható engedélyeket fogja kérni. További információ
A(z) Neto Connector alkalmazásnak hozzá kell férnie az Ön Google-fiókjához
Ezzel engedélyezi a(z) Neto Connector számára a következőt:
A táblázatok megtekintése, szerkesztése, létrehozása vagy törlése a Google Táblázatok szolgáltatásban
Külső webes tartalmak megjelenítése és futtatása a Google-alkalmazásokon belüli kérésekben és oldalsávokban
Kapcsolódás külső szolgáltatáshoz
Az Ön elsődleges Google-fiókjához tartozó e-mail-cím megtekintése
Személyes adatainak megtekintése, beleértve azokat a személyes adatokat is, amelyeket Ön nyilvánosan közzétett
Rendezés alapja:
A Google nem ellenőrzi a véleményeket és az értékeléseket. További információ a véleményekről
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