Netskope for Google Apps secures sensitive data with granular visibility, control and threat defense and ensures regulatory compliance. It also provides visibility and control over Google third party app ecosystem.
Netskope for Google Apps secures sensitive data with granular visibility, control and threat defense and ensures regulatory compliance. Sensitive content is detected across 500+ file types using 3,000+ data identifiers, metadata extraction, proximity analysis, fingerprinting, exact match, and more. 

Automated workflows allow admins to manage access to content using options for changing access permissions, quarantining sensitive or malicious files, alerting users or removing publicly shared links. 

Netskope combines unparalleled cloud visibility with multi-layered threat detection and integrated remediation workflows to quickly detect, prevent, and remediate the effects of cloud threats. 

It also provides visibility and control over Google third party app ecosystem. See more at:

Please note that our application requires an account on platform. Once an account on platform is available, all the features of this app are provided on our platform.
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Google Drive 파일 보기, 수정, 생성, 삭제
Gmail 계정에서 이메일 읽기, 작성 및 전송
이메일 메시지 및 설정 보기
고객 관련 정보 보기
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도메인 사용자의 프로비저닝 조회 및 관리
도메인 사용자의 데이터 액세스 권한을 관리합니다.
G Suite 도메인의 감사 보고서를 봅니다.
기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
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