Seamless integration of your data from anywhere to Google Sheets
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:4 Haziran 2024
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Genel Bakış
Do you need data from an API or database instantly available in Google Sheets? What about data like currency conversions, weather, or sales data?

Nexla's data operations platform makes it easy to build, transform, and connect your data. With our Google Sheets Connector, easily integrate your data to Google Sheets in real-time, updated as the data changes at the source. Nexla automatically detects and standardizes your data into "Nexsets" that work seamlessly with Google Sheets without losing any information. Nexsets Integration can be used to deliver data from APIs or databases directly into Google Sheets. 

Here's how to get started.

Step 1: Visit to sign up for a free trial and create your account, then click Enroll above to add Nexla to Google Sheets.

Step 2: Once you log in and access your dashboard, navigate to Flows then Create New Flow on the left.

Step 3: Select your data source. Follow the prompts to add your credentials.

Step 4: Apply any transformations you'd like, or simply select replicate and click next.

Step 5: Nexla will automatically detect datasets and turn them into Nexsets so they're ready to go anywhere.

Step 6: Go to Google Sheets, open your Nexla add-on, and enter your credentials and authentication. Nexla will automatically list all of your Nexsets from your data that are available to import. Click on the one you'd like.

Step 7: That's it! Now, monitor your data on your Nexla dashboard and use the Google Sheets add-on to automatically populate your data in real time. 

For more support, visit our developers page

About Nexla
Nexla is a collaborative, self-service data integration and operations platform. Our no-code tools enable digital teams to quickly and easily leverage their data alongside diverse data from their ecosystem of customers, partners, and SaaS services. Nexla accelerates the full cycle of data discovery, catalog, integration, and preparation while completely automating data operations and production flows.
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