Gym Management System is an ideal way to manage complete Gym operation.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:27 Eylül 2023
Genel Bakış
- Complete GYM Management Solution
- Trainer, Member, Accountant, and Admin Users
- Member Dailyworkout Log and Schedule
- Member Nutrition Plan
- Member Membership Plan 
- A quick view of important Gym modules
- Different report for management
- Calendar with important event and notices

Gym Member module:-
- Record complete details of Gym subscriber
- Add vital measurement for each member
- Keep track of member’s physical statistics

Account module:-
- Manage income and expenses
- Manage member fees
- Payment reports
Store Module:-
- Manage products in the system
- Sell product to member and keep sales record

Report module:-
- Generate Report by membership plans
- Generate payment income report

Membership Module:-
- Admin can define different membership plans
- Membership price management

Activity Module:-
- Manage activities available in the gym
- Assign activity to each membership plan

Payment module:-
- Manage all the payment receipts
- Record all expenses

Notice module:-
- Make important Announcement through notice module

Nutrition module:-
- Prepare and assign nutrition plan for member

Facility Management Module:-
- Record all the facilities available in the gym

Workout module:-
- Member can view the assigned workout

Online Membership Payment Module:-
- Accept membership fees with PayPal

Workout Module-admin:-
- A trainer can create a workout schedule for members

Expense Module:-
- Manage all expense

Invoice Module:-
- Manage invoice from admin

Newsletter Module:-
- Mailchimp integration

Message module:-
- Admin can send message to all members

Attendance Module:-
- Manage staff attendance

Group Module:-
- Create and manage member groups
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