It helps Digitize your clinic or hospital. Achieve Legal Compliance today by storing all patient data securely.
Данные обновлены:6 января 2024 г.
Общие сведения
Features make it Easy
1.   Appointment Booking on WhatsApp
-> Patient can book an appointment via WhatsApp and get confirmation
quickly. It reduces the staff’s workload and no need for extra App training.

2. Customized Patient Assessment forms
Doctors can customize patient assessment forms as per their practice area. All Medical records of the patient on a single screen only.   

3. Patient Prescreening on WhatsApp
Send prescreening form on WhatsApp before consultation and Gather
data for faster medical evaluation. It reduces the waiting time in
the clinic.

4.    Queue Management    Queue management streamlines the patient flow and reduces staff shortage. Reduce the number of people waiting in the lobby or waiting room by implementing virtual queuing.

5.    Electronic Prescribing
Send e-prescription via WhatsApp to patient and
pharmacy with just a few clicks. 

6.    Billing
Collect online payment at appointment booking time and record
all expenses and incomes.

7.    Vaccination
Schedule and manage a patient vaccination based on eligibility.
The patient can get a reminder of the next vaccination visit.

 8.  Daily Body Vitals
Collect, store and report data from medical wearables and sync it into the software. It helps
doctors monitor patients with chronic conditions and send alert messages
when body vitals are out of range.

9.    Medical Reports
Easy to upload medical reports and share them on WhatsApp and
record-keeping for future evaluations

10.    Pharmacy
The doctor will share the e-prescription with the connected pharmacy
and pharmacy just dispatches and delivers medicines at the patient your doorstep.

11.  Video calling
Improve access to people who live in rural areas and provide care for those who lack transportation to receive care in person.
Дополнительная информация
ЦеныПриложение бесплатно, но для использования некоторых функций необходима лицензия.
Политика конфиденциальности
Условия использования
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