NiftyISO is an affordable and easy-to-use Audit management system.
Genel Bakış
- ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification has become a reliable way for customers to check the quality of product and capability of a company. 

- Companies, which have ISO certification uses the internal method of quality audit for maintaining the quality standards.
Since different companies use a different approach for Audits, the app provides a facility to generate a new set of Audit questions to suit specific company requirements.

- The Audit tool is equally useful for internal audit as well as client company Audits.

- Easy to install
- Need of internet only for installation
- Make User & password
- Install in PC/mobile/tablet/iPad

Free From the Internet:-
- No need for internet/3G/Wi-Fi
- Directly use from an installed system
- Save the data in the system itself

- Data access, Geographical system
- Use Multiple platforms
- Add description at the end of the work, Continue work from anywhere

- Data security
- Passwords for individual users
- Confidentiality
- Transfer the data

- Add template according to needs
- Change questionnaire, Add/delete questions
- Make system department wise
- Add Update & Modify Location, Category

Structure Wise System:-
- Step by step options
- Consistency
- Scheduling

View Report:-
- PDF, Word-based
- Can change data in word report
- Directly do print out

Archive Audit:-
- See the reports
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