NLP Text Workers Toolkit, the powerful Google Sheets™ Add-on to accelerate text processing and analysis tasks at scale with cutting edge AI.Require an API Key from NLP LTD
Adatlap frissítve:2025. január 5.
A következőkkel működik:
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The Text Worker Tool Kit (TWoTK) is a set of tools for Google Sheets™ that use advanced machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques to automate and simplify repetitive text-based tasks. The TWoTK is made up of a set of ordinary spreadsheet functions that complement existing sheet functionality and allow you to bring the power of AI and LLMs into your everyday workflow. 

This powerful tool kit is perfect for professionals who want to save time and improve their productivity. With the TWoTK Google Sheets™ Extension, you can easily extract key insights from your data and gain valuable insights into your business operations.

With the TWoTK, you are in charge of building spreadsheets with complex functionality. For example, you could build a Proposal and Ideation Sifter to help businesses sift through a large number of proposals and ideas to find the ones that are most likely to succeed.

Our ML, AI, and NLP products are designed to be easy to use and highly effective. With our suite of tools, you can improve your productivity, streamline your operations, and generate better ideas and proposals. Try our products today and see the difference they can make for your business.

You will need an API Key to use the extension, please email NLP LTD
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A(z) NLP - Text Workers Toolkit (TWoTK) az alább látható engedélyeket fogja kérni. További információ
A(z) NLP - Text Workers Toolkit (TWoTK) alkalmazásnak hozzá kell férnie az Ön Google-fiókjához
Ezzel engedélyezi a(z) NLP - Text Workers Toolkit (TWoTK) számára a következőt:
A táblázatok megtekintése, szerkesztése, létrehozása vagy törlése a Google Táblázatok szolgáltatásban
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Az Ön elsődleges Google-fiókjához tartozó e-mail-cím megtekintése
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