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Free AI setup of Google Ad Grant accounts: $10,000 / mo for your NPO's Google Ads. Live experts for applying for it or improving it are in your dedicated Google Chat (Gmail).
Ändrades senast:7 april 2024
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Have you heard about Google Ad Grants? It's a standout feature of the Google for Nonprofits program. Simply apply once, and you'll consistently have $10,000 per month in your dedicated Google Ads account, enhancing your 501(c)(3) Nonprofit's online visibility and impact.

Already have it and eager to get started? Set up your Google Ad Grant account effortlessly with our add-on in just a few minutes. Install it, enter your website URL in its sidebar, upload AI-generated keywords and Ad Copies to your Google Ad Grant account, and begin reaching your target audience without any further delay.

Ready to improve your results? This solution isn't just an add-on; it's your key to maximizing the benefits of your Google Ad Grants. While official, up-to-date information on managing and optimizing your account may be scarce, we have gleaned insights from hundreds of US Nonprofit accounts.

Looking to surpass the $2 CPC limit, as relevant keywords often cost more? Wondering why you're not seeing conversions or sufficient traffic? Seeking to increase donations using this grant? Contact our Top-Rated Team through this add-on's Google Space in your Gmail account for complimentary assistance with applying for the Google Ad Grant or for more crucial help with setup, management, and optimization.
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