Meeting Notes Editor that enables participants to take shared, real-time notes during meetings, enhancing collaboration and ensuring everyone stays aligned.
Дата оновлення:17 жовтня 2024 р.
3 тис.+
Collaborative Notes for Google Meet™ is a powerful Markdown Meeting Notes Editor designed to enhance your virtual meetings by enabling real-time, shared note-taking among participants. This tool integrates seamlessly into the Google Meet™ interface, allowing attendees to co-edit notes without leaving the meeting window. Capture key discussion points, action items, and decisions collectively, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Collaborative Notes supports rich text formatting, images, bullet points, and checklists, making it simple to organize information effectively. By fostering a more interactive and engaging meeting environment, this add-on helps teams increase productivity and retain critical information from their discussions.

Enhance your Google Meet experience with Collaborative Notes and transform the way your team collaborates remotely.

We are going to implement saving notes and export to PDF soon! We are also considering Notion and Obsidian integration.
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