Quickly turn emails into notes in Notejoy without leaving your inbox.
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Notejoy is a powerful notes app for individuals and teams. Fast, focused, always in sync. Notejoy is available on Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, Android, and the web. Signup for free.

Notejoy for Gmail brings together the world's most popular email provider with Notejoy's fantastic notes app.

With Notejoy for Gmail, you can:

- Quickly convert an email into a note in Notejoy
- Customize the note title
- Include #hashtags in the note title
- Specify the notebook to file your note in
- Select which attachments to save to Notejoy
- Include or exclude quoted text
- Integrate Notejoy for Gmail across multiple email accounts

It's never been easier to get your most important messages out of the noise of email and into Notejoy's fast and focused workplace.
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Notejoy for Gmail kommer til å be om tillatelsene som vises nedenfor. Finn ut mer
Notejoy for Gmail kommer til å trenge tilgang til Google-kontoen din
Dette gir Notejoy for Gmail tillatelse til å:
Les e-postmeldingene dine mens tillegget kjører
kjøre som Gmail-tillegg
koble til en ekstern tjeneste
se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
Sorter etter:
Google bekrefter ikke anmeldelser eller vurderinger. Finn ut mer om anmeldelser
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