Pull reports from Google Ad Manager into Google Sheets.
Дата оновлення:19 жовтня 2023 р.
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Ocelot Metrics allows you to pull reporting from the Google Ad Manager API into Google Sheets.

- Automated Ad Manager reporting: pull Ad Manager and Ad Exchange reports into Google Sheets, without the drudgery of manual processes or copy/paste
- Scheduled reports: hourly scheduling means your reports are always kept up to date with the very latest data, even while you sleep
- Google Data Studio reporting: use your Google Sheets as an automatically-updating data source for Google Data Studio, without paying for Ad Manager 360
- Share your reports: share reports, visualisations and analysis with your team using the built-in sharing functionality for Google Sheets

By installing Ocelot Metrics, you agree to the Ocelot Metrics Terms of Service (https://ocelot.studio/products/ocelot-metrics/terms/) and Privacy Policy (https://ocelot.studio/products/ocelot-metrics/privacy/).
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Додатку Ocelot Metrics буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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