Use Octoboard platform to connect Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Youtube, Google Search Console™, Google Analytics™, Ecommerce data and update your queries automatically in your Google Sheets™ documents.
Vermelding geüpdatet:4 maart 2025
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Octoboard Add-on for Google Sheets™will let you import your cloud data and update it automatically in your Google Sheets™ documents.

Use Octoboard platform to connect Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Youtube, Google Search Console™, Google Analytics™, E-commerce data and update your queries automatically in your Google Sheets™ documents.

The add-on includes automated reports, white-label SEO client portals, SEO Audits, lead generation features, embedded SEO audits in your website, keyword analysis and other features.

Octoboard for Google Sheets™ feature is used by marketing specialists and online businesses to automate report generation directly in Google Sheets™ and send cloud data to Google Sheets™ documents. Used by marketing agencies to build automated reports, run queries and visualise the data inside Google Sheets™ documents.

Combine data from Paid Advertising platforms and Google Analytics™, including:

    - Google Ads™
    - Facebook Ads
    - LinkedIn Ads
    - Bing Ads
    - Google Search Console™
    - Youtube
    - Google Analytics™
    - Google Analytics 4™

How it works:
    - Select your data source
    - Pick a cell in a spreadsheet for data export
    - Define your query using any parameter you want
    - Run and save the query
    - Schedule your query to run automatically

Future roadmap:

Specialising in Google Analytics™ and Paid Advertising data processing, Octoboard export offers an inexpensive way to combine data from different data sources and define data queries directly in the Google Sheets™ add-on. With over 70 data sources supported by the Octoboard platform, we will all of them to the Google Sheets™ export feature.

Visualising captured data in Octoboard platform:

Octoboard for Google Sheets™ add-on can be used to send data to Google Sheets alongside data captured with Supermetrics, Adveronix, Awesome Table by Talarian,, API Connector, DataSlayer, SyncWith or KPIBees. Once data is stored in your Google Sheets document using any of the above products, you can then use the Octoboard platform to build dashboards and reports and share the information by email, as PDF documents or enable a white-label data portal on your own website. For more details on how to share data with Octoboard, please visit the following guide:
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Octoboard heeft toegang nodig tot uw Google-account
Hiermee kan Octoboard het volgende doen:
Al je Google-spreadsheets bekijken, bewerken, maken en verwijderen
Webcontent van derden weergeven in prompts en zijbalken in Google-apps
Verbinding maken met een externe service
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Het primaire e-mailadres van je Google-account bekijken
Uw persoonlijke info bekijken, met inbegrip van persoonlijke info die u openbaar heeft gemaakt
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