OfficeAmp makes it easy for office managers and admins to run an efficient workplace by giving employees a one stop shop for all of their requests and questions. Need a snack in pantry? Want to book a flight? Order some lunch? No more emails, texts or calls. Simply message OfficeAmp and get stuff done around the office. Got questions? Write to us
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OfficeAmp makes it easy for office managers and admins to run an efficient workplace by giving employees a one stop shop for all of their requests and questions.

Need a snack in pantry? Want to book a flight? Order some lunch? 
No more emails, texts or calls. Simply message OfficeAmp and get stuff done around the office.

Here’s why your team will love OfficeAmp:

1. Employees can raise issues by directly messaging OfficeAmp “flickering lights on second floor”, “pantry running low on snickers”, “need a new mouse” or “wifi is slow” etc.

2. Our AI helps you categorize and prioritize issues. When you type in need to buy a new HDMI cable, it will be automatically be categorized as a “Purchase” and the category manager for “Purchase” category would be instantly notified.

3. Resolve issues with context and control. Ask for more information from the issue originator, add notes and send updates on the issues you are working on.

4. Stay organized in Chat. No more lengthy email threads, calls or employees bugging each other about issues. Things no longer fall through the cracks. Always work on what is most important and urgent.

5. Generate real time reports and get insights on what’s required for a happier office.
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