Display camera and snapshot to insert images to sheets. List image files in Google Drive folders and insert them to sheets.
Ändrades senast:26 december 2021
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621 tn+
Use OKIOCAM for Google Sheets add-on to quickly take and insert snapshots into your Google Sheets files. OKIOCAM for Google Sheets also Integrates seamlessly with Google Drive, and allows user to access the existing images in your Google Drive easily. 

*One click snapshot 
*Insert images into Google Sheets
*Access and add the existing images from Google Drive into spreadsheets 

OKIOCAM is a revolutionary tool that integrates hardware(a USB camera), software, and cloud education services. Deep integrations with Google Drive and Google Classroom.

Any questions or concerns, please email us at support@okiolabs.com
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OKIOCAM for Google Sheets behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger OKIOCAM for Google Sheets behörighet att:
Visa och ladda ned alla dina filer på Google Drive
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina kalkylark i Google Kalkylark
Visa och kör externt webbinnehåll i meddelanden och sidofält i appar från Google
Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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