Instantly create a secured native web app on Google Sheets™ for easy sign up, update and enquire online without sharing the sign-up sheet.
Дата оновлення:18 лютого 2025 р.
1 тис.+
Detailed description in

How to install?

1. Open a new Google Untitled spreadsheet. 
2. Go to Google Workspace Marketplace  to install this add-on. After Installation, your sheet menu Extensions will have this add-on menu One Link Sign-up . If not, please re-open your sheet.
3. From the menu, select Set up web app and follow the steps displayed to complete the set-up.

Detailed steps in

How to use?

1. From the add-on menu > Set up web app, click the button Open to sign up and view your sign-up page.  
2. On the field Select, enter '*' to select all posts. Otherwise, use the following to search/filter posts for a destinated group:
-      is exclude. For example, '-abc' means excluding posts that have 'abc'.
|      is or condition. For example, 'abc|xyz' means posts that are having 'abc' or 'xyz'.
'   '  is quoted words. For example, 'abc xyz', means posts that are having the words 'abc xyz'.
3. Click the button Submit. 
4. Click the button Open one link sign-up page to view the sign-up page.
5. Use the browser Share this page to copy or send the sign-up page to the destinated group. 
6. Repeat the above steps if you have other targetted groups.
7. Try the demo data first. When you have tried all, you can customise the sheets and test further. If everything goes well, replace the demo data with your real data in Sign-up and Post sheets. Create one link, share it to your groups and start having their online sign-ups. 

#SPCsoft #sign-up #signup #web app
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Створення й оновлення проектів Google Apps Script
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