Migrate emails to Mailbox or Google Groups in your domain.
Ändrades senast:13 maj 2022
120 tn+
onleemigration is a dedicated migration tool to move emails from one account to another one or to a Google Groups. If you are tired by Admin Data Migration tool, try onleemigration. It is really simple, just enter source email and destination email and click migrate. That's all !!!

# Installation recommendation
onleemigration need to be installed by a Super Admin. As it is an Admin app it is not mandatory to install it on all the domain but the user for source and detination mailbox must have onleemigration installed. 
That is why our recommendation is to install if on a dedicated Google Groups. Then you put in the group the admins that will acces the app and the users you need to migrate and users that will receive emails if you do a mailbox migration.

# Pre requisite
onleemigration can be opened by super admin or delegated admin only.
Delegated admin must have at minimum Google Groups and directory view rights.

#How it works
1. Open onleemigration from the launcher or the url https://app.ez34.net/onleemigration/
2. Enter source email
3. Enter destination email, can be a mailbox or a Google Groups
4. If needed enter search terms
5. Click start
onleemigration will process the request and migrate message. 

To view progress refresh the page.

# Google Groups migration
With onleemigration you will be able to migrate / archive emails from a mailbox to a Google Groups.

# What you can do with onleemigration
- Move emails from one inbox to another one.
- Migrate a label only, enter in the search terms field a Gmail search, for example : label:Project-Alpha 
- Archive a mailbox to a Google Groups
- Migrate some emails to a Google Groups for a security audit
- etc....

#Migration speed
For mailbox to mailbox migration speed is around 1 email per 2 seconds.
For mailbox to Google Groups migration it is faster 1 emails in less 1 seconds.

When migration is over you receive an email.

# Pricing
onleemigration is free for now at the launch.
Share your feedback with us it is the most important.
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onleemigration frågar efter de behörigheter som visas nedan. Läs mer
onleemigration behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger onleemigration behörighet att:
Läsa, skapa och skicka e-post från ditt Gmail-konto
Hantera dina känsliga e-postinställningar, inklusive vem som får hantera din e-post
Visa grupper på din domän
Visa information om användare på din domän
Ladda upp meddelanden till alla Google-grupper på din domän
Ansluta till en extern tjänst
Tillåt att appen körs när du inte är närvarande
Visa land, språk och tidszon
Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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