AI-powered, integrated CRM, ATS, and HRM
With  Oorwin for Gmail you can

Parse Job: Job requirements to users are usually received via email. User can parse the email and map details in their respective fields in the job form

Parse Job Form: User can assign the job to recruiters, edit details wherever required and save the job

Parse Resume: Potential candidates’ resumes are received as attachments to users

Bulk Add: User can parse the resumes and save them in their database

Add Candidate Form: If it is a single resume attachment, then user will be able to see the candidate form for update and save

Add Account: When a user receives email from a new account/company, then the user can click on Add Account to add

Add Contact: When a user receives email from a new contact, then user can click on add contact to add all the email IDs in To and CC, In case a contact is from a new account/company, then the account is also included along with it

Submit Candidate: User can submit a suitable candidate for job requirement received in an email

Tag Job: Candidate can be submitted for the job already existing in the portal

Add Job: If a job is not added in the portal, then the user can add the job and submit the candidate at the same time

Share Resume: Instead of submitting the candidate, user can share the resume as reply to the email

Submission Preview: A submission form, with pre-selected fields and template, will be included in submission preview

Select Fields and Template: User can update the fields and change the template. The submission form is then included as a reply in compose email

Submit Pool: Submit pool is submitting bench candidates for job requirements in the email

Tag Job: Bench candidate can be submitted for the job already existing in the portal

Add Job: If a job is not added in the portal, then the user can add the job and submit the bench candidate at the same time

Share Resume: Instead of submitting the bench candidate, the user can share the resume of as reply to the email
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