Issue Open Badges through Google forms and sheets – simple integration with no software coding involved.
Berfungsi dengan:
10 rb+
Ringkasan Sheets provides an easy, non-intrusive way for an organisation to capture events and activity - which can result in the issuing and awarding of Open Badges.

How it works:

Fill out your sheet with the relevant information. You might use the sheet to keep track of attendance, recording grades, task activity, and more... the limit is your imagination! takes the information from your sheet and issues badges based on the rules you have set as an organisation. 

For example, you might be using Google Sheets to track attendance for your students. You can set a rule in to issue a badge to students who have attended over 10 classes. then uses the data from the sheet to match it against the criteria of a badge. If the criteria and rule is met, the relevant users will automatically receive that badge.
Informasi tambahan
HargaTidak tersedia
Status pedagang belum ditentukan Sheets akan meminta agar izin ditampilkan di bawah ini. Pelajari lebih lanjut Sheets akan memerlukan akses ke Akun Google Anda
Hal ini akan mengizinkan Sheets untuk:
Melihat alamat email Akun Google primer Anda
Melihat info pribadi Anda, termasuk info pribadi Anda yang tersedia untuk publik
Urutkan menurut:
Google tidak memverifikasi ulasan atau rating. Pelajari ulasan lebih lanjut
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