Speed up your VFX bidding 10x with OpenBID: Automatically send live-linked bid breakdowns, auto-insert thumbnails & much more. Plus ChatGPT4 Turbo & DALL-E!
정보 업데이트:2024년 5월 21일
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Speed up your VFX bidding with a set of advanced pre-built templates and a host of automated tools.

Google™ adheres to strict security protocols when it comes to using the Drive API. No third parties can view or access your data without you sharing it first. Moreover, the OpenBID Toolkit add-on has undergone a comprehensive third party security audit. To view the certificate, visit: 


If you have any questions about how this add-on uses permissions feel free contact Marcus LeVere directly using the support link below. 

Key Features:

View Vendor Availability: Get the availability for your show from over 500 VFX vendors.

Create OpenBID Templates: Quickly duplicate the latest OpenBID template versions (Client, Vendor, Profit Planner, or On-Set Camera Report).

Send NDAs to Vendors: Streamline your NDA process with automated sending.

AI-Powered Custom Functions: Use the GPT() functions to supercharge your workflow.

Work with DALL-E Images: Batch create, download and insert AI generated images.

Integrate Private YouTube Chapters: Automatically insert chapters for shots from your private YouTube videos.

Send Bid Breakdowns: Automatically send detailed bid breakdowns to all your VFX vendors.

Convert & Reuse Shots: Transform current shots into templates for easy reuse.

Bid Version Control: Conveniently version up your bid and append the previous bid summary.

Client-Friendly Sheet Prep: Automatically prep sheets to share with clients, and create client-friendly PDF bids.

Export to ShotGrid: Export your shot and asset data with one click.

Become a Vetted VFX Vendor: Apply to join the job board through a simple form.

Vote on Future Features: Have a say in the next OpenBID feature to be developed.

Reclaim your time with OpenBID Toolkit. Minimize manual tasks, eliminate errors, and focus on what truly matters. Install the add-on now for a free trial!
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