Solve linear and mixed-integer optimization problems in Google Sheets with no artificial limits on problem size.
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The OpenSolver Add-on for Google Sheets lets you solve complex optimization problems from within your Google Sheet. Made by the developers of the popular OpenSolver addin for Microsoft Excel, this add-on brings the same Open Source optimization engine to the cloud!

OpenSolver for Google Sheets uses the excellent, Open Source, SCIP and Glop optimization engines to quickly solve large Linear and Integer problems.  SCIP is one of the fastest non-commercial solvers for mixed integer programs, and Glop is an Open Source Linear Programming solver by the Operations Research team at Google.  We also support using the Open Source COIN-OR Cbc solver via the NEOS optimization cloud, and the Open Source GLPK solver running locally in your browser via GLPK.js.

There are no artificial limits on the size of problem you can solve with OpenSolver.

OpenSolver is free, Open Source software developed and maintained by Andrew Mason and students at the Engineering Science department, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

For more information, see
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