Get stock & options live data, prices, ratios, and more directly into Sheets to create your custom workflows and formulas.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:21 Ocak 2025
Şununla çalışır:
Genel Bakış
💪Super Charge your workflow with our data:
Option Samurai allows you to directly import stocks, ETFs, and options data from the US markets into Sheets. This will enable you to build always-updating models, scans, watchlists, and more that will save you time and sharpen your edge.

🔢Complete live data:
 The plugin supports 100s of data points on each stock, millions of options, advanced implied volatility metrics, options strategies, and much more. The data updates throughout the day.

💸Easy to use:
Boost your productivity when trading and investing in the US markets. You can import any data to any cell and build on top of that.

💎One plugin - many use-cases:
Option Samurai is built for maximum customizability to allow you to create your sheets with your workflow. Some of the use-cases can be:
* Updated stock valuation model
* Advanced options calculator and pricing model
* Trade log
* Unique calculations on a portfolio level
* Watchlists
* Scanners
and much more.

Install the plugin. Click on the Samurai icon and follow the instructions in the pane. You can check our site for more details:

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