The App allows a sales representative to export NetSuite contacts to Company's Google contacts and better streamline its sales campaign through sending emails to Netsuite contacts from mail software.
A Google Contacts Add-on to export customer and prospects e-mail addresses and contact details from NetSuite Contacts to Google contacts. The automated integration and export of contacts details from NetSuite to and Google contacts allows an enterprise to have email addresses and other useful client information to be actively used for communication with customers and business prospects through gmail by sales representatives. 

To be actively used by sales and support professionals, the Oracle NetSuite Integrator for Contacts Add-on relieves them from frequent signs in to NetSuite in order to extract e-mails and other contact details. With scheduled validation to prevent duplicate email address, the Add-on filters the contact details for not be repeated while blasting the e-mail campaigns. 

The features of the Add-on benefiting an enterprise from the export of addresses from NetSuite to Google Contacts as follow.

    • Syncs E-mails and Customer Information from NetSuite Contacts to Google Contacts Automatically

    • Scheduled updates of addressees in Google contacts from NetSuite according to set time intervals 

    • The app improves the efficiency of sale representative where they have better control over customer data. 

    • With the automated export of contacts details from NetSuite to Google contacts, it ensures data accuracy in absence of manual data entry.  

    • With a scheduled verification of contact details, the app completely removes any chance for the contacts details to be duplicated from NetSuite to Google contacts.   

    • Offers one-ways sync of customer data from NetSuite to Googlec in real time.

    • Process fresh entries as well as historical data.

PS: This is not an official app from Oracle NetSuite. 
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Додатку Oracle NetSuite Integrator for Contacts буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток Oracle NetSuite Integrator for Contacts зможе:
Перегляд, змінення, завантаження й безповоротне видалення ваших контактів
Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
Переглядайте особисту інформацію, зокрема всі відомості, які зробили загальнодоступними
Переглядайте й завантажуйте всі електронні адреси свого облікового запису Google
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