So much more than just an org chart.
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Looking to organize your workplace structure in a simple, easy to use, org chart? Are you tired of using non-org chart solutions to map out your organization? Organimi’s focus is making the best purpose built org chart software on the market. It helps HR Managers with onboarding new employees, Sales and Account Planners to map out relationships and define key prospects, and helps organizational design consultants  with scenario planning or restructuring.

Organimi is a powerful tool that allows you create an organizational chart in minutes. You can do so much with Organimi, including:
* Create an org chart from an existing template or from scratch!
* Integrate with Microsoft ActiveDirectory, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Teams and Gsuite or any other system that provides a CSV or Excel output
* Share via a public URL link, private email invitation or embedding it on your website
* Export your chart to a PDF or PNG to bring to company meetings
* Print the whole chart or specific subsections of your chart on 60 different paper sizes
* Custom Fields feature allows you to add customized text to any role card
* Add photos to jazz up your chart and show each member from your organization
* Use the Smart Chart Legend™ to visualize information on your chart with badges or colors
* Our Colour Coding feature allows you to colour code a section of your chart, a member, or a department for quick visual representation your organization
* Move around roles and members by using the Drag & Drop feature
* Connect LinkedIn profiles to role cards so everyone in your organization stays connected
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