Turn Gmail™ mails into tasks or create tasks from any Google Workspace™ application in Organiseme, the productivity and project management application integrated in Google Workspace™.
Fortegnelse opdateret:12. marts 2022
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Organiseme is a productivity and project management application that helps you and your team with its task list or task boards to get things done. It supports teams / departments / tribes working in traditional or agile mode from home office or different location.  Its Google-like layout and integration with the Google Workspace™ makes it perfect for Google Workspace™ users. 

- Sign up and log in using your Google account
- Turn GMAIL™ mails into tasks in Organiseme with our Google Workspace™ add-on
- Create tasks in Organiseme while working in any Google Workspace™ application - so you can keep your flow
- Sync your Organiseme tasks with due date with Google CALENDAR™ -  manage your tasks with your calendar events in view
- Attach files stored in Google DRIVE™ to tasks
- Manage your Organiseme tasks in Google TASK™ while working in any Google Workspace application
- Turn text (e.g. protocol with action item) into tasks in Organiseme with our DOCS™ add-on
- All while enjoying a familiar Google-like design.
=> Organiseme is the perfect task list and task board application for Google Workspace™ users!

- Setup your team(s) in Organiseme
- Share task lists and task boards within your team - so the status of all tasks is always transparent to all
- Assign tasks to team members - responsibilities are always clear
- Exchange comments on tasks or send messages to your team members
=> Collaboration has never been easier!

- Manage tasks by lists, priority, due date or the customizable Do now! filter
- Add notes or attachments
- Set reminders or create recurring tasks
- Use the task board view to visually track productivity or plan tasks by day
=> Easily keep track of your tasks

For more information see www.organiseme.com
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Organiseme for Google Workspace™ anmoder om de tilladelser, der er angivet nedenfor. Få flere oplysninger
Organiseme for Google Workspace™ har brug for adgang til din Google-konto
Dette giver Organiseme for Google Workspace™ tilladelse til følgende:
Se grundlæggende data om mapper og filer i Google Drev, som du vælger
Se, redigere, oprette og slette udelukkende de Google Drev-filer, du bruger specifikt til denne app
Se dine mails, når tilføjelsen kører
Kør som en Gmail-tilføjelse
Se de begivenheder, du åbner i Google Kalender
Redigere de begivenheder, du åbner i Google Kalender
Kør som en Kalender-tilføjelse
Opret forbindelse til en ekstern tjeneste
Se og administrer data, der er knyttet til applikationen
Se dit land, dit sprog og din tidszone
Se den primære mailadresse på din Google-konto
Se dine personlige oplysninger, heriblandt personlige oplysninger, som du har gjort offentligt tilgængelige
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