Automatically add 'Other' form responses into the list of choices for that question.
1 млн+
Other Etc automatically adds form response answers submitted as "Other" into to the list of choices for a question.

Whether you're using a form by yourself to improve workflow or using it with many other users, you have probably found it useful to include the "Add Other..." option for multiple choice and checkbox items. Why? Sometimes you want to have allow a response you haven't thought of already, or allow user input.

This Add-On takes this a step further and allows for automatic updating of the list of choices. When installed and turned on, this Add-On automatically adds these "Other" responses to the list of choices for a question.

Two ways you might find this useful:
1. If you're the form creator and also using this form yourself, it can save a trip back to edit mode. Using this Add-on means you don't have to manually enter new choices.
2. If you're collaborating with others, you may want future users to be able to see and select choices that other users have contributed. For instance, you might want to have a group select a venue together, or suggest best times for an activity. This Add-on allows users of the form to select from a list of choices, or select the "Other" category and suggest their own choice, then have other users see those new options.

Aren't you surprised this isn't a built-in feature?

Feel free to leave feedback here :)
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