Ouriginal integration for Google Classroom™ allows teachers to send student submissions directly to Ouriginal for text-matching analysis.
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Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:28 tháng 11, 2024
33 Tr+
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Ouriginal is scheduled to reach end-of-life on June 30, 2026. We recommend migrating to Turnitin Similarity to ensure continued access to the latest tools, including AI text detection and other advanced features. To begin your migration, contact the Turnitin Migrations Team at OuriginalMigration@turnitin.com, or learn more on our Ouriginal Migration Guide page [https://guides.turnitin.com/hc/en-us/articles/24076357508877-Ouriginal-customer-migration]. 
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Integrates Ouriginal (www.ouriginal.com) with Google Classroom™ by allowing teachers to send student submissions directly to Ouriginal for plagiarism analysis and detection. Submitted documents are analyzed and checked for any matching texts across Ouriginal’s extensive content database that consists of the internet including materials accessible only through password-protected systems; licensed journals & publications, and previously submitted student material. The algorithms used work regardless of language and can detect similarities across most widely used languages. 

When the system finds similarities in the text, it not only records the degree of the matches but also considers any paraphrasing and usage of synonyms. Our algorithms work regardless of language and can detect similarities across most widely used languages.

The findings of the analysis are presented in an easy-to-read report, which shows details of all the matching content and the sources they were matched against. Educators are encouraged to use this report and its findings to help students write original content by providing them valuable feedback.
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Xem và tải tất cả tệp của bạn trên Google Drive xuống
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