Import BigQuery™ data, Save, Share & Re-use SQL Data Marts. Filter & Sort. Automatically Generate Charts. Schedule refreshes. AI-Copilot. No row limits.
Дата оновлення:18 лютого 2025 р.
172 тис.+
With OWOX Reports, you can query BigQuery™ data right from spreadsheets, 
Create a library of data marts (queries), and share those data marts with team members so they can run reports, schedule refreshes, filter & sort data, & generate pivots & charts automatically. 
Deliver trusted data marts with joined data for reports and stunning visuals for business decisions, faster. 100% Safe & Secure.

📊Get trusted reports with your context in less than 1 minute:
1️⃣ Add SQL query. Save Data Mart.
2️⃣ Share Data Marts with business users (They don’t need GCP access to run)
⏭️[Skip this step if you are alone… But better - bring your business team in, it’s a collaborative reporting tool 😉]
3️⃣ Business users can run reports, apply filters, and sort data without editing your SQL query.
4️⃣ Create full reports with a single click - Automatically generate Pivots & Charts in Google Sheets™!
5️⃣ Set up flexible schedules to receive fresh data as often as needed.
✅Finally, everybody can access fresh, visually appealing & reliable data. Forever.

➡️ Build reports with Google Sheets™
Connect your BigQuery™ to Google Sheets™ in one click.
Create your corporate collection of Shared SQL Queries - Data Marts, share across your team with or without BigQuery Access, then - re-use.
Apply pre-generated FILTERs, SORT & LIMIT your data before you retrieve them. 
Automatically get live pivot tables & charts generated for you and 🔄updated automatically.

🕐 Schedule refreshes & share reports
Automatically deliver live data to your sheets exactly when you need them.
Daily, weekly, hourly, twice a day, your schedule - your rules.
You don’t need to check or manually update reports (and visualizations) ever again.

🤖Hire AI to streamline your SQL generation (or editing)
Use OWOX AI-SQL Copilot for BigQuery to generate reliable SQL Queries faster:
Share table IDs, find JOIN keys, get your query built for you (or edited), and even test before your run.

📊Your Data to Dashboards in just 1 Click
Get automatically generated pivots & charts that update when new data arrives. You don’t need to spend time detecting and visualizing key data points anymore. OWOX BI will handle that with one click.

🔗 1-Click Connections
Connect Google Sheets™ to Google BigQuery™ by just selecting your GCP project.
🔄2-Way Sync
Automatically upload data from Sheets™ into your BigQuery™ with 2-way sync.
💾 Create Your Collection of Data Marts
Write SQL queries to pull data into sheets,
Save queries into a library,
Share with team members 
Or Delete when you don’t need that anymore.
👫Access Management
Share data marts permissions without sharing BigQuery™ access.
The data team will get access automatically,
Plus, you can share it with business users Indirectly so they run reports without asking a data professional to act like a CSV-extracting machine
🔄 Automate Reports in Google Sheets™ and Save Time 
Refresh data in a single click. Or automatically refresh on any schedule.
* Schedule queries to run automatically exactly when you need the report: daily, hourly, weekly, 8 am and 4 pm every weekday, your schedule - your rules.
* Share any query and let team members refresh data when they need it.
🔔Instant Notifications
Track the signals you care about. Trigger email notifications to notify you when data is updated (or isn’t).
🟢OWOX BI is designed to avoid any limitations
* Unlimited sharable data marts,
* Unlimited reports,
* Unlimited file size,
* Unlimited rows and columns,
* Unlimited charts.

In addition, feel free to visit our help center for tutorials, guides, and FAQs at

It’s the easiest to use and the most comprehensive alternative to Connected Sheets, MythicalReports, Awesome Table, SyncWith, Two Minute Reports, Database Browser, Supermetrics, Funnel, Coupler, SheetGo, Coefficient, Dataslayer. Plus you get automated charts & pivots built for you in a single click.
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Додатку OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots (Sheets, BigQuery) буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток OWOX: Reports, Charts & Pivots (Sheets, BigQuery) зможе:
Перегляд, змінення, створення й видалення всіх ваших файлів на Google Диску
Перегляд, створення, редагування й видалення всіх ваших Google Таблиць
View and manage your data in Google BigQuery and see the email address for your Google Account
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Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
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Serhiy Prokopets
11 грудня 2024 р.
I highly recommend the OWOX BI Reports extension to anyone who works with data in Google Sheets. It's extremely easy to work with and simplifies your work of building charts and reports. The tool saves so much time by pulling data from multiple sources directly into your spreadsheet, and the reports come out clear and visually appealing. It's a must-have to streamline your reporting and make data analysis a breeze!
Чи був цей відгук корисним?
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11 вересня 2024 р.
I like this tool for its simplicity - just a few clicks and I get a report and visualization. Can recommend.
Чи був цей відгук корисним?
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Denis Serdiuk
17 листопада 2024 р.
Чи був цей відгук корисним?
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