Effortlessly adjust the page size of your Google Docs™ with the Page Sizer Add-on.
Fiche mise à jour le :9 juin 2024
Compatible avec :
3 k+
Page Sizer Add-on for Google Docs™ allows you to customize the dimensions of your documents to fit your specific needs. Whether you're preparing a document for print or adjusting the layout for better readability, Page Sizer makes it easy to set custom page heights and widths.

Key Features:

Simple Interface: Easily accessible from the Google Docs™ toolbar, Page Sizer provides a straightforward interface to adjust page size.
Custom Dimensions: Input your desired page height and width to perfectly tailor your document.
Height Calculation: Easily calculate the height needed based on the number of pages and the position of the last element on the page ruler.
Instant Application: Changes are applied instantly, allowing you to see the results in real-time.
How to Use:

Open a Google Docs™ document.
Click on the 'Page-Sizer' menu in the toolbar.
Select 'Change Page Size'.
Enter your desired page height and width, then click 'Update'.
To calculate the height, enter the number of pages and the last element position, then click 'Calculate'. Click 'Update Height' to apply the calculated height.
Perfect for users who need precise control over their document layouts, Page Sizer is an essential tool for enhancing your Google Docs™ experience. Optimize your documents for printing, presentations, or digital viewing with just a few clicks.

*Google Docs™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
Informations supplémentaires
TarifsSans frais
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Page Sizer for Google Docs™ vous demandera les autorisations ci-dessous. En savoir plus
Page Sizer for Google Docs™ aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
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Consulter, modifier, créer et supprimer tous vos documents Google Docs
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