Create, send, and eSign documents securely, right from your favorite Google apps.
Ändrades senast:29 maj 2024
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131 tn+
Businesses of all sizes use the free PandaDoc for Google Workspace integration to add PandaDoc’s powerful eSign capability to popular Google tools such as Sheets, Forms, Drive, and Gmail.

Use PandaDoc for Google Workspace to:
✔ Sign PDFs and Google Docs right within Gmail and Google Drive
✔ Bulk send documents with data from your Google Sheets or Google Forms responses 
✔ Convert Google Drive files into editable documents for eSignature
✔ Get real-time notifications when your documents are opened, viewed, or signed 

Go here for further details about PandaDoc for Google Workspace.

PandaDoc for Google Workspace is available on Business and Enterprise plan subscriptions.

About PandaDoc
PandaDoc provides an all-in-one document automation platform that helps fast-scaling teams create, manage, and eSign digital documents. More than 50,000 teams around the world use PandaDoc to simplify their document workflow and deliver a smooth experience for recipients.

[NEW] Google Sheets

PandaDoc allows you to create documents using your Google Sheets data, here's how:
Select any Sheets file to begin
Map Sheets data to a PandaDoc template using variables 
Preview and bulk send PandaDoc documents directly from Sheets — PandaDoc will update each document with client/project data
Link back to your Sheets files, or easily locate them in PandaDoc folders

[NEW] Google Forms

PandaDoc allows you to create documents using your Google Forms responses. Here’s how to easily set it up:
Create a Google Sheets file from your Google Form, then collect responses with it
Select a template from PandaDoc’s Template Gallery or create your own 
Open PandaDoc in Google Sheet with responses, find your template, map it to your responses data, and send customized documents

Streamline your document workflow with PandaDoc for Google Workspace, available with all PandaDoc Business and Enterprise subscriptions.
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PandaDoc for Google Workspace behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger PandaDoc for Google Workspace behörighet att:
Visa grundläggande data om valda mappar och filer på Google Drive
Se, redigera, skapa och radera enbart de filer på Google Drive som du använder i appen
Visa och ladda ned alla dina filer på Google Drive
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina kalkylark i Google Kalkylark
Hantera utkast och skicka e-postmeddelanden när du använder tillägget
Visa e-postmeddelanden när tillägget körs
Kör som Gmail-tillägg
Visa och kör externt webbinnehåll i meddelanden och sidofält i appar från Google
Ansluta till en extern tjänst
Tillåt att appen körs när du inte är närvarande
Visa och hantera apprelaterade data
Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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