Add citations and bibliographies to your research paper. Simple, correct, fast and fully collaborative.
Listing updated:January 31, 2025
Works with:
Paperpile is a full-featured reference manager right in your Google Doc ™:

- Create a perfectly formatted bibliography ready for submission of your paper
- Insert citations with one click
- Supports in-text citations and footnote citations.
- APA, MLA, Chicago and more than 7000 journal specific citation styles

- Search your references online while your are writing your paper
- Automatically lookup of PubMed IDs and DOIs. 
- Fully collaborative. It just works, even with dozens of co-authors. 

- EndNote® compatible: export your document to Word and EndNote. 
- LaTeX compatible: export your document for use with LaTeX
- Export references as RIS or BibTeX 

Paperpile respects your privacy: The add-on needs permission to manage your documents but they remain private with you at all times. Paperpile never accesses, transmits or stores any of your data other than the citation meta-data necessary to format your citations and bibliographies.
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