Social Intranet, Easy Wiki and Document Management
402 E+
Build your own Google Apps intranet with drag & drop in minutes. Easily create pages and online forms to share, discuss & collect information and files. A great social intranet for any organization.

= A personalized intranet for your Google Apps users
= Easily share information and discussions, work better together
= Online forms to collect data & process requests


** All your information in one place. 
A knowledge base, intranet site or internal wiki for your team. Create pages with rich text, images, files, discussions, checklists and more. Design everything with drag & drop --no technical knowledge required! 

** Collect data and process requests with online forms. 
Need to collect data from colleagues and clients? Use Papyrs to add online forms to your pages. Create reports in a convenient data table. Add a status field to add a workflow for processing requests. 

** Powerful Search 
Find back all your documents, discussions and Google Drive data instantly with the search bar. 

** Fine grained permissions settings 
Use permissions controls to set who can view and edit pages, and who may submit and manage form data. 

** Collaborate with colleagues and clients 
Share pages with your Google Apps team members, or invite external users (by email) to share a page. Publish a page to allow public access (extranet). 

** An easy to use employee portal 
Centralize all your discussions and information. Create dashboards with the latest news, company updates and forms.

** Organize your information 
Use folders to categorize your pages. Keep track of changes with a full version history of every page. 

** Notifications 
Receive email notifications about updates, discussions and form entries. 

** A social intranet 
Discuss with co-workers, share status updates, and stay up to date with the Activity Stream. 

** Change the Papyrs Theme to match the style of your organization. It's all easily customizable from the theme editor, from banners to the menu bar.

** Create profile pages and an employee photo directory for your coworkers. 

** Fast, friendly, and personal support!

Google Apps is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.
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A(z) Papyrs az alább látható engedélyeket fogja kérni. További információ
A(z) Papyrs alkalmazásnak hozzá kell férnie az Ön Google-fiókjához
Ezzel engedélyezi a(z) Papyrs számára a következőt:
Az Ön Google Drive-fájljaival kapcsolatos információk megtekintése
Bármilyen olyan naptár megtekintése és letöltése, amelyhez Ön hozzáfér a Google Naptár segítségével
A domainhez tartozó felhasználók adatainak megtekintése
Az Ön elsődleges Google-fiókjához tartozó e-mail-cím megtekintése
Személyes adatainak megtekintése, beleértve azokat a személyes adatokat is, amelyeket Ön nyilvánosan közzétett
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