Allow teachers to reset passwords for their students through a google form V26
Ändrades senast:2 november 2021
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15 tn+
Admins can use this add-on to setup a workflow where authority can be delegated to teachers to allow them to change passwords for students 

How it works:
Admins maintain a spreadsheet list of Org Units to which you have delegated authority to change user passwords. 

The add-on will also create the form which those users will use to change the passwords.

When authorised users submit a password change through the form the target password will be changed and a notification email will be sent to both users. 

The user whose password has been changed will be prompted to change their password when they next sign in. 
The spreadsheet will also keep a record of all password changes recording who changed which password when.

AS the interface is a form teachers can access it through a PC, a tablet or a smartphone.
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