Accept & Collect Payments from Google Forms™ using PayQ. Integrate PayPal, Stripe & other Payment Gateways. Make your Form Payable & Track on Google Sheets.
Дата оновлення:11 листопада 2024 р.
12 тис.+
Introducing PayQ, the all-in-one payment integration for your Google Forms™. Our add-on helps you make Payable Forms™.

You can effortlessly integrate PayPal, Stripe, and RazorPay and start accepting payments directly from Form submissions. You can even register for a PCI Vault account and start accepting card data directly to a PCI DSS Level 1 Compliant tokenization vault.

Different Payment Input Methods:

Depending on your use-case, you can add different payment input styles. For instance, you can add radio buttons, checkboxes, text input, drop-downs and grids.

Quick and Easy Payment Gateway Setup

In just a few simple steps, configure both Test and Live modes for your preferred payment gateways. PayQ ensures a smooth and secure transaction process, whether it’s a test run or live operation.

Customized Order Messages

Enhance customer experience with personalized order messages. Tailor messages for both paid and free orders, ensuring clear communication and a professional touch to your e-commerce activities.

Additional Charges and Promo Codes

Maximize your revenue and offer flexibility with additional charge options like tax and handling fees. Moreover, attract more customers by providing attractive promo codes for discounts.

Automated Notifications and Order Verification

Stay on top of your business with automated notifications sent directly to the form admin upon new orders. Plus, easily verify order details in Google Sheets™ and respective Payment Provider Dashboards for efficient management.


Pricing & Plans

Individual Plan: 
- Pricing: $9.99/month or $99.99/year
- Forms allowed: Unlimited, Responses: Unlimited

Enterprise Plan (for Business): 
- Pricing: $16.99/month or $169.99/year
- Forms allowed: Unlimited, Responses: Unlimited


Why Choose PayQ for Your Google Forms™?

PayQ is more than just a payment processor. It’s a comprehensive solution that turns your Google Forms™ into a versatile e-commerce platform. Ideal for businesses of all sizes, it simplifies transactions, enhances customer interaction, and streamlines order management.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is PayQ free to use?

Yes, PayQ offers a free plan with essential features. Premium options are available for advanced needs.

What payment gateways does PayQ support?

PayQ integrates seamlessly with Stripe, PayPal, and RazorPay. You can also use PCI Vault as a vendor neutral card data store.

Can I track my transactions?

Absolutely! Track and verify all transactions directly from Google Sheets™ and payment dashboards.

Is PayQ secure?

Security is our top priority. PayQ ensures that all transactions are secure and reliable.

Note: PayQ is an independent add-on for Google Forms™ and is not affiliated with Google™.
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
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Додатку PayQ - Add Payments on Google Forms™ буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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Перегляд форм на Диску Google і керування ними
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