PC game emulator of Amstrad CPC, KC85, ZX Spectrum, NEC PC98 for 1980s~90s. Supported ROMs: dsk, sna, bin, kcc, 853, tap, z80, zip.
Eintrag aktualisiert:15. März 2022
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This app is a PC game emulator of Amstrad CPC, KC85, ZX Spectrum, Windows 3.1, and PC98 for 1980s~1990s.
Open a ROM file from your computer, URL or from Google Drive, and Play the game directly in your browser.
Supported ROM formats: Amstrad CPC(dsk,sna,bin,tap), KC85(kcc,853,tap), ZX Spectrum(z80), Zipped ROM, EXE file(zip).

*Amstrad CPC
Supported formats: DSK disk image file, SNA snapshot file, BIN snapshot file, TAP tape image file
BIN and SNA files are autostarting. For DSK files first type the CAT command to list the disc content, then start the right program with RUN"filename[Enter]. For TAP files simply type RUN"[Enter].

*Windows 3.1
Supported formats: Zipped Windows 3.1 executable files. The ZIP you choose will be mounted on drive "D". Find the "D" drive in the Windows 3.1 File Manager and find the executable file and run it. 

*PC98 Japan, FreeDOS 98
Supported formats: Zipped PC98 executable files and games.
You can run the executable files in FreeDOS 98 emulator. Available Keys: Arrow keys, A, Z, Enter, Space...
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