Using PDF2Spreadsheet add-on, you can easily convert tables, even handwritten, from your PDF files to Google Spreadsheets or insert inside your existing spreadsheets.
Listingan diperbarui:12 Agustus 2021
Berfungsi dengan:
10 rb+
Recognise tables from PDF files and convert them into Google spreadsheets or tabs in the existing spreadsheets.
Using PDF2Spreadsheet add-on, you can easily convert tables, even handwritten, from your PDF files to Google Spreadsheets or insert inside your existing spreadsheets.
Feel free to convert individual PDF files and all the PDF files from folders storing on Google Drive.
You can start from your Google Drive: click PDF2Spreasheet button on the sidebar; select a folder or files; click "Convert to Sheets"; refresh in a moment. You'll get new spreadsheets in the same folder of your Drive.
You can also start from any of your existing Google Spreadsheets. Click PDF2Spreadsheet button on the sidebar; click Insert PDFs; choose PDF files, folders or even upload a PDF from your desktop; click Convert; click Refresh in a moment. You'll get new tabs with recognised tables in the spreadsheet.

And you've got a free-tier of three files recognised!
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Melihat, mengedit, membuat, dan menghapus semua spreadsheet Google Spreadsheet Anda
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