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PDF editor to create, edit, view and annotate PDF files.
Дата оновлення:13 січня 2024 р.
1 млн+
PDF Editor is an app that allows to create, edit, view and annotate PDF files. Its main features are:

- Edit PDF. Create, modify, delete text, images and vector drawing objects like curves, lines, paths. 
- View PDF. Navigate and open the PDF files. The navigation options include pages, outlines or objects.
- Annotate PDF.  Create, add and save comments directly inside the file.
- Create a PDF file from a basic template.
- Compatibility with any PDF file & Acrobat Adobe.
- Styles and Formatting over graphics styles.
- 3D controller to handle spheres, rings, cubes, etc.
- Sophisticated rendering to create photorealistic images.
- Manipulate objects, rotate them in two or three dimensions.
- Import graphics from all common formats (including BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and WMF).

Note that this webapp contains advertising.
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