Generate documents with Google Forms™ submissions. Create documents, certificates, and invoices from Google Sheets. Generate, save and email documents automatically from templates (mail merge).
Дата оновлення:19 січня 2025 р.
4 тис.+
Generate templated documents with Google Forms™ submissions and generate PDFs. Create documents, certificates, and invoices from Google Sheets or Google Forms. Alternative to Form Publisher, Document Studio, Publigo Document Merge, Portant & Mail Merge.

PDF Maker works with either Google Forms™ or Google Sheets™. With Google Forms™, documents are generated one by one on each form submission. With Google Sheets™, you can mass generate documents in bulk.

Easily create customized documents from Google Forms™ by turning form submission data or spreadsheet rows into beautifully designed PDFs and documents.

Create pixel-perfect documents from data in Google Sheets™ and Google Forms™ responses. Use the built-in Mail Merge tool to email documents, the generated files are saved in Google Drive™ and can be automatically shared with colleagues and clients.

Streamline tedious business processes through automated document generation workflows. Generate and send invoices, quotes, waivers, certificates, and many other documents through simple form submissions. Store all generated documents on Google Drive™. 

PDF Maker can be used to create professional-looking and sophisticated documents, including personalized business letters, student test results, customer invoices, event tickets, vendor contracts, purchase orders, sales pitches, and any other type of document that needs to be generated on a repetitive basis.

Create your own certificate template, or use an included,  professionally designed certificate template. School Certificates, Student Badges with Google Slides, Student Test Results in Google Sheets.

Sales Quotes, Purchase Orders with Google Forms, Project Proposals in Google Docs, Vendor Contracts, Client Invoices, Lease Agreement PDFs, Custom Letters.

Streamline your document generation process effortlessly. Whether it's purchase or quote requests, invoices, waiver or consent forms, leave or time-off requests, SOAP notes, service or maintenance requests, intake, assessment, or release forms, incident report forms, agreements, audit or evaluation forms, lesson plans, invitation or registration forms, or attendance and enrollment certificates, Simply input the necessary information, and let PDF Maker automatically generate the documents you need. From tracking patient information to keeping customers satisfied, PDF Maker simplifies every aspect of document creation and management, ensuring efficiency and accuracy in every step of the process.

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