Allows to merge PDF files with a simple drag and drop interface.
호환 기기:
This WebApp provides a simple way to merge PDF files. You can either select the files you want to merge from you computer or drop them on the app using drag and drop. After that use drag and drop to bring the files in the desired order. The resulting merged PDF file will contain all Documents in the order as they appear on the screen. 
When done, press merge to initiate merging.

In order to process your files, they will be uploaded to a remote server. The files are uploaded and stored only for the purpose of being merged. Some minutes after processing them all files are deleted permanently from the remote system. 
This App uses a secure SSL connection to prevent eavesdropping.

This App is still in a beta phase. If you discover any issues, feel free to report them to If you like it, please rate it.

PDF Mergy can also be used with a recent Firefox version by visiting .

Update 0.5.3:
- enabled SSL support 
Update 0.4:
- Fixed Problem with merging some PDFs.
- Better error handling
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