PDF Viewer, Reader allows you to view PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT files directly in your browser without uploading the file to any servers.
Дата оновлення:14 лютого 2025 р.
4 млн+
PDF Viewer, Reader is a free tool that allows you to view PDF, DOC, XLS, PPT files directly in your web browser.
You don't need to install any further software to view files.
PDF Viewer reads files without uploading the file to any servers. It does not save or share the file you select.
It only works locally without going through the server.

Supports convert DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX file to PDF format using Google Drive™ & Apps Script.
View, Print, and You can be downloaded as PDF.

You can choose a PDF file to view from your computer or from Google Drive™.
Based on HTML5 technology and Mozilla PDF Reader library.

*Supported Formats (Google Drive's files, Convert to PDF without uploading to any servers, Google™ Apps Script):
Documents (pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, doc, docx, rtf, html, htm, txt, text, odt)
Presentation (ppt, pptx, odp)
Spreadsheet (xls, xlsx, ods, csv, tsv)
The converted temporary files are automatically deleted randomly after a day in your trash folder.

*Supported Formats (Local Computer, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box): PDF
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Після цього додаток PDF Viewer зможе:
Перегляд, зміна, створення й видалення лише конкретних файлів на Google Диску, які ви відкриваєте в цьому додатку
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Олександр Самбур
23 січня 2024 р.
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Користувач додатка PDF Viewer
16 вересня 2017 р.
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