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PDF-A Drive Generator is an application for Google Drive™ that is used to create a PDF copy of your files directly in your Google Drive™ using the international standard PDF/A ISO19005
Listing updated:March 18, 2022
Works with:
PDFA Drive Generator allows to create a PDF copy of your files directly in your Google Drive™ with the PDF/A standard starting from a Google Docs™ (document, sheet, presentation, etc ...) or a PDF, and possibly digitally sign it, using the following procedure:

1) Select a Google Docs™ or PDF document from your Google Drive™
2) Eventually, from the application panel, select your signature file / local key for the digital signature
3) Click the "create" button in the application panel (if a signature / key file is selected it will be loaded at that time)
4) a previousname-pdfa file will be created in the same folder as the selected file

The first time you use the application, you will be asked to authorize access to your Google Drive™. Authorization is necessary to allow the application to function. Keep in mind that PDFA Drive Generator is designed exclusively to read files in order to convert them. All this happens automatically on a server where the file is temporarily transferred safely. The processing data remain in the volatile memory of the server for the time strictly necessary (generally a few seconds); the copy of the file in PDFA format is then deposited on your Google Drive™. This is the reason why you are asked to give the application the possibility to manage your files but the application is not designed to modify, move or delete your files but only to read them in order to make a copy.
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PDF-A Drive Generator will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
PDF-A Drive Generator will need access to your Google account
This will allow PDF-A Drive Generator to :
View basic data about the Google Drive folders or files you select
See, edit, create, and delete only the specific Google Drive files you use with this app
Connect to an external service
View your country, language, and timezone
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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February 3, 2021
This is an incredibly helpful tool! It's useful in countless applications. I've not encountered any difficulties working with it thus far and that is even more exciting, I'll certainly be recommending both this and other such Google Workspace tools to others.
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