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Launch powerful formative assessments and interactive Pear Deck activities directly from your Google Classroom™!
Дата оновлення:13 березня 2024 р.
8 млн+
Quickly launch interactive Pear Deck lessons and activities directly from Google Classroom™.

Pear Deck for Google Classroom enables you to quickly and easily launch powerful formative assessments and activities from within Classroom. Create a new Pear Deck lesson with Pear Deck for Google Slides™ to add to Classroom, or select an existing file from your Google Drive™. 

When you’re ready to present to the class, simply save and assign the lesson and it will appear for your selected students. Students can join the Sessions directly — no code needed! As a teacher, you can control the pace of the lesson, view real-time student progress, and provide personalized feedback with Pear Deck’s Teacher Dashboard. When the lesson is complete, students will be prompted to turn in their assignments, where you can review and assess Session material directly from within Classroom.

Pear Deck for Google Classroom is a Pear Deck Premium feature. For pricing, or to contact a Pear Deck representative about this feature, visit https://www.peardeck.com/pricing.
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Додаток Pear Deck for Google Classroom™ запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку Pear Deck for Google Classroom™ буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток Pear Deck for Google Classroom™ зможе:
Перегляд, створення й оновлення власних вкладених файлів у дописах для курсів, які ви викладаєте в Google Класі
Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
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