Convert your engineering spreadsheets into a PDF of handwritten calculations for building consent.
1 тис.+
This add-on allows you to directly connect with the Pensolve server and seamlessly process files to hand-written calculations as well as markup cells based on their usage. 

The improved connectivity compared to using Pensolve's standalone web-app means that users learn faster and can find calculation issues easier.

Conversion to PDF: reads through all the calculations in the spreadsheet and writes them out as hand-written calculations in a PDF document, showing the algebraic, numerical formulas as well as the answer, units, comments and references.

Assess: A fast evaluation of the spreadsheet to allow the user to markup cells, formulas and view equation dependencies.

Markup: This button changes the cell and font color based on how the cells are used (e.g. input cells = yellow, calculations = blue, units = gray text, references = brown text). 

View formula: The user can view the cell algebraic formula quickly from within the sidebar.

View dependents: This button shows all of the cells that you the current cell as an input.
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Додатку Pensolve буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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Перегляд, змінення, створення й видалення всіх ваших файлів на Google Диску
Перегляд електронних таблиць, у яких установлено цей додаток, і керування ними
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Надання дозволу на запуск цієї програми, коли ви відсутні
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