PeopleCues is a simple and powerful tool to manage your OKRs. With this add-on, you can access and provide check-ins to your OKRs on PeopleCues from Google Sheets.
Fortegnelse opdateret:23. maj 2024
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You can now provide check-ins from the sheet itself. On top of it, you can also automate check-in to a particular OKR by linking with a cell on the sheet.
Advantages of PeopleCues add-on:

    - Easy access to your OKR within the sheet itself - under one roof
    - Update your OKR progress on the sheet and it will automatically update on 
    - No tab switching required from your google sheet reports to PeopleCues for 
      updating your OKRs.

To use this add on:

    - Install the add on.
    - You will need to allow access to your drive for the add-on to function.
    - Once installed, open the sheet within which you want to launch PeopleCues. If 
      the sheet is in open state, refresh the sheet to view the add-on.
    - Click on Add-ons, hover on PeopleCues, and click on ‘Open’ to get a list of your 

Alternatively, if Google Admin has installed this plugin, then click on Add-ons in the sheet, hover on PeopleCues, and click on ‘Open’ to get a list of your OKRs.
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