is mission control for your teams. It keeps an eye on the health of your company 24/7, 365—so you can focus your time where it really counts.
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Genel Bakış
Use for GSuite to get a better understanding on how your team is using the platform and easily pass usage data into your Peoplelogic account. Peoplelogic aggregates and analyzes your team's GSuite usage to automate prescriptive guidance and insights for managers and help you understand where bottlenecks may exist in your workflows. is mission control for your team. The platform provides prescriptive insights and recommendations that ensures the alignment, development, and performance of teams and the people that make them.

The for GSuite integration allows you to build a holistic view of your team and your customers from GMail, Drive and Calendars and pass that information directly into Peoplelogic for analysis. Peoplelogic for GSuite was built to help managers:

Get automated recommendations and insights around their team's activities
Deliver individualized guidance to managers
Spot trends in employee engagement and productivity
Improve team performance

With for GSuite, you get an even clearer picture of when your team performs at its best, how people prefer to work, and identify any hang-ups effortlessly.
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