Convert Periscope-formatted hyperlinks to Google Sheets format.
Немає відгуків
A Google Sheets Addon to convert Periscope-formatted hyperlinks to Google Sheets format.

## Usage:

1. Click Addons > Periscope Link Converter > Convert links in ...
2. See confirmation.
3. Voilà! Links you can click.

## Periscope docs

> ### Hyperlinks
> Tables will automatically convert a valid URL string starting with https:// or https:// into a clickable link. A URL can also be labeled to display a clickable name by utilizing the following syntax:
> ```
> select '[Hyperlink Name]('
> ```
> This query will result in the table shown below:
> ![Periscope - individual hyperlink](
> This syntax can also utilize data from individual columns to make the hyperlinked name dynamic. The following query uses "First_Name", "Last_Name", and "Twitter_Account_URL" columns to build out the link:
> Redshift/Postgres:
> ```
> select '[' || First_Name || ' ' || Last_Name || '](' || Twitter_Account_URL || ')' as Customer
> ```
> MySQL/SQLServer/BigQuery/Oracle:
> ```
> select CONCAT('[', First_Name, ' ', Last_Name , '](', Twitter_Account_URL, ')') as Customer
> ```
> The result is shown below, and clicking each link will open up that user's twitter page:
> ![Periscope - column of hyperlinks](
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