This app allows you to merge, split, remove, encrypt, decrypt PDFs without uploading to server.
Listingan diperbarui:15 Maret 2022
Berfungsi dengan:
8 rb+
This app allows you to merge, split, remove, encrypt, decrypt PDFs without uploading to server. Simple and easy to use. Merge and Split your PDFs with this app.
This app only works locally without going through the server. It allows you to merge and split the PDF file in your browser directly. You don't need to upload PDFs to any server. It's very safe, and guarantees privacy.
You can select PDF files to convert from your local computer and from Google Drive directly. 
There are some PDF files that are not supported when merging. Processing many pages may take a long time or cause memory shortages.
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Hanya melihat, mengedit, membuat, dan menghapus file Google Drive tertentu yang digunakan dengan aplikasi ini
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