Phisherie is an email phishing reporting and analysis tool for small businesses and families. Quickly report suspicious emails directly in your inbox. For analysis, visit
정보 업데이트:2024년 8월 19일
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Cyberattacks don’t just happen to the big fish... small businesses and individuals get targeted, too.

Although most people might not think about cybersecurity or don’t think they’re a target, about half of cyberattacks are against small businesses and individuals.

Yet, most cybersecurity tools aren’t built for everyone.

Phisherie exists to give you peace of mind and help you protect your business and your family against cyberattacks.

”There are only two types of companies—those that know they’ve been compromised and those that don’t know.”

The Phisherie phishing reporting and analysis tool helps you and your team to spot phishing messages, stop possible cyberattacks, and learn to report phishy emails.

Phisherie is also built with your family in mind.

Integrate the add-on to your family members’ inboxes so they can safely share suspicious emails with you, and you can help them identify whether the emails are safe or not.

And no, you can’t read every single email from the inboxes you’re connected to. You can only see the emails specifically reported to you by the owner of that inbox.

Keep your business, family, and community safe with Phisherie.
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