Photo gallery lists all pictures of a given folder in the Spreadsheet and creates a photo gallery.
Listing updated:March 19, 2024
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The perfect tool to create a photo gallery with photos from your drive !

Easy to use, Photo gallery enables you to choose a drive folder and create a photo gallery within an Awesome Table view & a Photo Slide with Google Slide
If you haven't got a folder with pictures, the add-on also offers you the possibility to try a demo mode which uses predefined photos.

Afterwards, you can change the folder as you want or update photos.
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Photo Gallery by Awesome Table will need access to your Google account
This will allow Photo Gallery by Awesome Table to :
See, edit, create, and delete all of your Google Drive files
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Slides presentations
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
See all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
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Allow this application to run when you are not present
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
Manage your photos and videos
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Clifford P
June 25, 2024
Why is this still published? Trying to use it for the first time displays: Photo Gallery add-on will stop working on April 12th, 2024 due to a change in Google Drive scopes. You can switch to the Awesome Table add-on and use the Google Photos connector (a paid Connectors plan is required).
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Jennifer Novak
February 6, 2023
No ability to configure for use with portrait images or control photo aspect ratio for display. Also have not found a way to display captions below images in the table format. This has potential to be very useful, but does not meet any of my current needs, unfortunately.
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Jerry Lee
August 8, 2021
Unfortunately, does not work well if portrait pictures. Wanted to use it with Google Sites as that's the only way to get a gallery. If you change the slides setup into portrait mode, the pictures becomes blurry.
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A User of Photo Gallery by Awesome Table
October 22, 2019
With lots of work, it still doesn't auto-start on the website. Also, I was looking for the photos on the website to auto-shuffle or present randomly. This really doesn't do anything, presentation-wise, differently than the image carousel. Looking for an ap to randomize my photos, without too much excessive icons (eye sores), etc. on the website that viewers have to deal with. Just want a box of our photos to cycle through in a random fashion. simple. Also, Unless I dump all the photos into one file, I can have the spreadsheet include photos from different MULTIPLE files (in my case, different events). Seems like the spreadsheet could handle that as it lists the address for each photo separately. I have to regularly remove photos from old events, and replace those with newer photos.. never from one event. Lumping everything into one folder or album is just an organizational mess. There should be a way to add photos from different folders or albums. Then, it would be easier to remove them and add new ones as needed.
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Tom Scutt
May 26, 2021
403 error when I try and select a folder: "We're sorry, but you do not have access to this page. That’s all we know"
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Logan Shaw
December 21, 2020
Hmm, doesn't work for some reason. When I press the "Use existing album" button the load screen is blank and stays blank. Fix? Looks like a great app if it works properly.
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A User of Photo Gallery by Awesome Table
September 1, 2016
Perfect. Just what I needed. Romain and his team are excellent Google Apps Script experts. Awesome Tables is a must have app and I fully support all their development. Thank you.
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A User of Photo Gallery by Awesome Table
January 7, 2020
Hi Photo Gallery by Awesome Table, I have installed your add-on at 01/08/2020 but it doesn't work. When I select your add-on it is still showing loading icon and does not show anything. Would you like to fix that issue. I really like your add-on, but it doesn't work. I will change the rate when it works properly. Thanks.
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Bibekananda Sinha
February 19, 2022
nice photo galary to import images
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A User of Photo Gallery by Awesome Table
December 10, 2018
Super add-on pour GSheets WishList : * Donner la possibilité de créer soit la galerie Awesome Table soit le slide * Créer automatiquement un SlideShow dans Awesome Table au lieu d'une galerie. * Mettre automatiquement à jour le tableur quand il y a des changement (ajout/suppression photos, ajout/modif description photo, …) dans le dossier GDrive ou l'album GPhotos.
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