Online photo editor. Open, edit and save PSD and XCF - Photoshop and Gimp files. Convert between PSD, XCF, JPG, PNG and WebP.
Дата оновлення:29 вересня 2023 р.
2 млн+
Photopea is a web-based photo and graphics editor. It is used for image editing, making illustrations, web design or converting between different image formats. Photopea is advertising-supported software. It is compatible with all modern web browsers, including Safari, Edge, Chrome, and Firefox. The app is compatible with raster and vector graphics, such as Photoshop's PSD as well as JPEG, PNG, DNG, GIF, SVG, PDF and other image file formats. While browser-based, Photopea stores all files locally, and does not upload any data to a server.
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